Welcome to our Curriculum and Learning Resources page!
Purpose: Provide a guaranteed and viable curriculum to all students attending schools in JCSD#1 while providing transparency of our learning outcomes, including our promise standards measuring student growth and achievement.
JCSD #1 Promise Standards Proficiency Reports
Report Cards for JCSD #1
Wyoming Accountability in Education Act (WAEA )
ESSA Federal Report Card/ Wyoming Measures Up
Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum: Based on the State of Wyoming's Chapter 31 Rules, our district assessment system (DAS) is comprised of PLC-Curriculum Maps including Promise Standards. Please see the link below to access each school's curriculum maps and promise standards***. This process is ongoing- please see the Curriculum Development Plan for more information.
Below are links to some of the projects we are working on:
Professional Development Plan 2022-2025
Curriculum Development Plan 2023-2027
Wyoming Department of Education (WDE) Resources:
***What are promise standards?
Johnson County School District No. 1 educators engage in ongoing collaboration to develop “promise” standards. These promise standards are intended to provide clarity for students, parents, and teachers as to what ALL students will learn over the course of the year. The teachers collaborate vertically to create assessments and align curriculum. These promise standards allow all students to learn foundational concepts to be successful in the following grades. This document will be updated periodically as the content team collaborates to refine promise standards.