Interested in earning extra income?
Always loved working with kids?
Prefer a job that has the same hours and days as your kids?
An Effective Substitute Teacher class is once again being offered through Sheridan College in
Johnson County. It is a 2 credit course that covers all the requirements necessary to obtain
your Substitute Teaching license, and includes the 24 hours of classroom instruction and the
30 hours of observation required by the Wyoming Professional Teaching Standards Board. By
the last day of class, you will be ready to turn in your completed application, then ready to
begin subbing as soon as PTSB processes your application!
Start date: Thursday, September 10th
End date: Tuesday, September 22nd
Class is held at Room 104 at the Bomber Mtn. Civic Center
These are full days of instruction/observation, except for the last day which ends
at noon.
Thursday 9-10; Friday, 9-11; Monday, 9-14 instruction 8:30-3:00 1/2 hour lunch
Tuesday, 9-15 full day of observations @MDLK/CPES
Wednesday, 9-16 instruction 8:00-10:30 observations after class @MDLK/CPES
Thursday, 9-17 full day of observations @CCMS
Friday, 9-18 instruction 8:00-10:30 observations after class @CCMS
Monday, 9-21 full day of observations @BHS
Tuesday, 9-22 AM observation @BHS, process, sign -off, and mail packet 11am-12 pm
Please contact Jill Mills @ for questions related to the class,
or Derek Andrews @ for questions related to registration.