Friday, January 21, 2022:
Beginning Monday, January 24, 2022, JCSD1 will be changing our COVID protocol. The District will be only tracking positive cases. Parents of those students who are exposed at school and considered close contacts will be alerted via District communication. However, the District will no longer be tracking quarantines for those individuals.
Those diagnosed with a positive case of COVID-19 will be required to stay home and isolate for the first 5 days, and can return to school in a mask for 5 days as long as symptoms are resolving and they have been fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication. Positive individuals will be responsible for contacting those with whom they have been in close contact outside of the school day. If students cannot isolate from positive family members, the District recommends they wear a mask and they must remain symptom free to be at school.
When parents are alerted to an exposure at school, there are several options available. Students who remain symptom free can come to school with or without a mask. Those individuals will also be able to participate in school activities. Parents may also choose to keep their student home and do COVID-19 remote learning for the duration of the 10 day quarantine period. COVID Remote Learning is temporary virtual learning provided by classroom teachers via CANVAS, the District’s learning management system.
Our school nurses will continue to assess students who appear symptomatic to determine if she or he will be sent home. Symptomatic individuals will be required to wear a mask or isolate while in the building awaiting pick-up. Students and staff should not return to work or school until they have been fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication and symptoms are significantly improved.
According to CDC and JCSD#1 Safe Return Plan, we continue to recommend daily screening at home before school. Face coverings will continue to be recommended but not required. If there is a need to quarantine a classroom, grade, or school due to transmission rates or illness, families will be notified as they would with any other communicable disease such as chicken pox, pertussis etc.
In summary, here are the changes made to the JCSD1 covid-19 protocol:
No changes for positive COVID-19 cases
Close contacts will be identified by the school, and parents will be notified through district communication.
Parents of close contacts will have the choice whether or not to quarantine their student. The District will no longer track quarantine information, only positive cases.
See flowsheet for additional information- LINK FLOW SHEET PDF HERE
JCSD#1 Highly Recommends
Stay home if you are experiencing any cold or covid-like symptoms
Return to school or work only if your symptoms are improving and you’re fever-free without the use of medication for 24 hours.
Contact your local healthcare provider if you are concerned about symptoms you’re experiencing.
Wear a mask if you can’t meet the social distance requirement of 6’.
Wash/sanitize your hands frequently!
Thank you for your patience and continued support as JCSD1 continues to update our protocol to meet the needs of our students, families and staff.
For more information, please visit our webpage at
Charles Auzqui