Please see the following update from our Public Health Officer: Because of some confusion about the use of face masks and face shields at JCSD1, Dr. Schueler has now clarified by stating that masks only are allowed per Public Health Order #10. Face Shields will not be a substitute unless in the exempted cases outlined in the order. Dr. Schueler states that there is growing evidence that face shields do protect against COVID-19, but until the state and local public health offices approve of face shield use in the schools, Johnson County Schools should use face coverings or facemasks, and not face shields.
Enjoying having students in our building. We are so blessed to be able to social distance in the classroom.
Kaycee families,
We are looking forward to seeing our students on Monday! Please remember to send them with face coverings. Thank you!
Kaycee Families,
Our Back to School open house will be Tuesday, August 18th from 5 - 7 pm. Students can bring their school supplies & visit with their teachers. There will be a boot camp for parents on Google Classroom as well. K-5 parents will be from 5:30-6 & 6-12 parents will be from 6-6:30. Face coverings are highly recommended. Hope to see you there!
Y Donates 1250 Neck Gaiters to JCSD#1 Students
We’re thrilled to announce Johnson County School District #1’s new app! Access sports scores, cafeteria menus, news updates, even emergency notifications. Download the app on Android: or iPhone:
July 17th, 2020
Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,
The school district is in the process of finalizing the Smart Start plan for school to start in the fall. As everyone is aware, there are many factors that are dictating what the school district is doing to make sure it happens. With that being said, the school district is making plans to make the buildings as safe as we can for students and staff. I am asking parents to please be patient and work with the district staff. We hope that the things we have to do to get state approval will be temporary or short term. That will mean some sacrifices will need to be made in order to ensure we can bring all students back. By putting these measures in place, we are trying to avoid either a hybrid model that has only half the students back in any building or back to online learning for all students. We want all of the students back at the same time and safe. With that being said, here are some things that will need to happen:
• Students who ride the bus will need to wear a mask or some kind of face covering.
• The school district will provide a reusable mask for students but if the child loses their mask the next mask would have to be purchased. Parents always have the option to provide their child any mask they so choose.
• Students will need to wear masks into the building to their classroom. Once in their classroom, they can remove their mask as long as they can maintain the social distancing to the best of their ability. Staff will help assist in this.
• Students need to wear their masks to and from lunch to minimize exposure to others.
• Visitors will not be allowed into the buildings without prior approval from administrators. This will be very limited.
• Students and staff will be screened as they enter into the designated areas or entrance into the buildings. Students will only be screened once each day.
• If symptoms are detected, students’ parents will be contacted to come pick the child up from school.
• All staff will be required to wear masks as they move around the buildings.
• Students who participate in activities will be briefly screened before they participate in the practices.
• Only one or both parents will be allowed to enter into the buildings to watch their child participate in an activity until capacity is reached. No other fans will be allowed in. Out of town fans will be able to access the events online. The district is working on a plan to broadcast events from the football field.
• The high school and middle school are working to develop a schedule to limit student contact in the buildings to ensure we can stay open for all students.
• Once the plan is approved at the state level, all information will be sent out to parents with more of the specific details. This letter is to give parents a heads-up with the major highlights in the plan. We are looking to get the school year started as normal as possible.
The district needs everyone’s help to make this happen. I know that some will disagree with some of the items in the plan. Implementation of these proposals improves our chance for approval from the state so all of our children can return to school. Our hope is that this will work and no further actions would have to be implemented to keep our students in schools and safe. Again, I remind you to please be patient and know we are doing everything possible. Have a good day and stay safe.
Jim Wagner
Johnson County School District
Covid-19 Updates & Information