May 1, 2020
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Thank you all for your patience through these times. I understand how difficult it has been. Know the administration team and staff have been working to come up with many ideas for students at every level to aid into the transition for the next school year.
Our school district has received approval to start letting students into the high school building on a small-scale starting Monday, May 4th. Teachers and staff are contacting a small number of students about attending on a limited basis for extra help in a number of different areas.
As we navigate through the next two weeks, our school district has plans to bring in more students as the state and local health officers allow this to happen. The goal is to keep up with the requirements needed to allow more students in the buildings as restrictions are lifted.
The administration team and staff are also working on summer plans for students as well. Once we see how the restrictions change, more information will be sent out for parents to look at options for summer planning. The most difficult part is not having a solid plan until we know exactly what we can and cannot do. We will continue to evaluate the plan daily as the restrictions change so we can provide the best possible experience for the students. Thank you again for your patience.
I would also like to give a shout out to the teachers next week as we celebrate “Teacher Appreciation” week. Many staff have done wonderful things for our students and their efforts are noticed daily. Thank you to Johnson County School District teachers.
Jim Wagner
Johnson County School District