Good Morning, Just a heads up that school pictures will be Sept 28th, next Thursday. We will be sending the packets home on Monday. So mark your calendars!
This month's taco supreme, nacho supreme, cowboy hat and spaghetti w/ meat sauce were made with donated local beef! Thank you Byron & Bridgette Geis!
Safety Reminder - As we get comfortable coming to school in our building, we ask our parents to please come through the front doors and check in at the office to check your child out school. We will have you sign the Student Check out/In notice and we will call your student to the office. This will allow us to keep better track on the students for Emergency purposes.
The happenings for Kaycee School for the week of Sept 18th.
Monday Thru Thursday - Missoula Children Theater practice starting at 4:00
Monday 18th - Author Share for 3rd thru 8th graders @ CCMS,
Tuesday 19th- Juniors & Seniors to College fair in Sheridan, Right Road Parent Presentation for Sophomore Parents @ 6:30 pm
Friday 22nd- Children's Theater performance @ 7 pm, HSVB @ Casper Invite, JHVB @ Big Horn 10/11 and Tongue River @1:30/2:30, HSFB @ Midwest 6pm
Saturday 23rd - JHVB vs Clearmont 2/3 pm, HSVB @ Casper Invite
Tomorrow, 9/29/23, the Juniors and Seniors will have the opportunity to participate in the WAO Planning Days College Fair at Sheridan College. They will depart the school @ 8:00 and return around 12:30. Permission slips are requested to get on the bus and your student should have picked one up today.
The Right Road - there will be an information meeting for all Sophomore parents tomorrow, 9-19-23 in the High School Library at 6:30 pm.
Reminder that today is the Author Share for all 3rd thru 8th graders. They will be leaving the school at 10:15am and back at 2:00.
Don't forget on Monday Sept 18th the Kinder Boost program will start. If you have a child you would like to be involved please contact Mrs. Propson or Ms. Liston.
A few Reminders for Monday, Sept 18th. The Author Share Field Trip for 3rd Thru 8th graders will be Monday @ 10:15am and returning at 2:00 pm, if you have not already filed out the Parent permission slip please do so if you would like your student to attend. Also on Monday the Missoula Children's Theater will be here to start auditions and practice for the "The Secret Garden" production
On Tuesday Sept 19 @ 6:30 pm. There will be an informational meeting for Sophomore parent for the Right Road Program. Please join us at the school in the High School Library.
Don't forget the Mini Bank starts tomorrow from 7:30-8:00 in the Commons for 3rd thru 8th graders. If you opened an account last year you will be good to go with deposits this year. Applications were sent home last week but if you have any questions please call the school and ask for Karisa Brown.
There will be a College Fair on Tuesday, Sept 19th in Sheridan for Juniors and Seniors.. Please fill out the permission slip attached and return it to Ms. Olsen before Tues @ 8:00am
Good Monday Morning! Few activities at school this week.
Monday - 9/11 - School board Mtg 6:00@Kaycee, HSVB pictures 4:00, Homecoming/Spirit Week(PJ Day)
Tuesday - 9/12-Homecoming/Spirit (Dress like Barbie or Ken) HS & JH only Macho man Volleyball 6:30
Wednesday-9/13-Homecoming/Spirit (Dress Cowboys vs Country Club ) HS & JH only Powder Puff Football@ 6:00
Thursday-9/14-Spirit Day and Parade starting at 3:00, JHVB vs Midwest 5:30/6:30
Friday-9/15-JHFB vs Tensleep @ 12:00, HSFB vs Tensleep @ 2:00, HSVB vs Clearmont 4:00/5:00 , JHVB @ Midwest Invite 9:00-10:00-12:00
Saturday-9/16-HSVB vs Upton 12:00/1:00
If you haven’t had a chance to download the new LINQ Connect App, today is the day. The Titan Family Portal is now LINQ Connect and all of your information has already been transferred over for you.
Simply log in using your existing username and password. All your student, payment information, recurring payments, notifications and anything else you’ve previously set up will remain. If you use a browser to access your accounts, no problem. Visit and log in.
NOTICE: Online payments are charged a convenience fee (paid to TITAN - owner of LINQ Connect) by the parent/cardholder. These fees will be added to the amount that the customer pays...this is not new. However, as of August 1, 2023, the amount is 3.95% of the transaction amount with a minimum fee of $2.85 per transaction.
Please find attached the September Letter from Mr. Evans plus the activities calendar and the menus.
MIssoula Children's Theatre- The Children's Theatre is back with the Performance being "The Secret Garden"
All children will get a part based on their age and experience with auditions. Auditions will be 9/18/23 after school. Practices will be after school 9/18-9/21 from 4-8 pm, younger children will practice earlier and be done around 6 pm. Performance will be Friday 9/22/23 @ 7:00 pm. Dress rehearsal will be around 3 or 4. Dinner and snack will be provided to your child.
There will be an information page sent home with your students!
Good Afternoon, it is a short week at Kaycee Schools . The following activities are scheduled for this week.
Thursday, 9/7/23, QPR Training 6:00
Friday, 9/8/23, HSFB & JHFB @ Meeteetse 5:00 & 7:00
HSVB @ Big Horn, TBA
Saturday, 9/9/23 HSVB @ Big Horn , TBA
JHVB @ Clearmont 10:00 & 11:00
Heads up for Next week Sept 11-16 it is HOMECOMING WEEK, Dress up days as follows: Monday, - PJ Day, Tuesday - Barbie and Ken, Wednesday - Cowboys vs Country Club, Thursday - Spirit Day and Parade starts at 3:00
Everyone have an awesome week!
Good Monday Morning
A few things happening at the school this week.
8/29 Tuesday - HSVB @ Buffalo @ 6:00 pm
8/30 Wednesday - 5th grade @ Camp Roberts, bus leaves at 7:45
8/31 Thursday - 5th grade @ Camp Roberts, bus leaves at 7:45
JHVB @ Midwest 5:30/6:30
Fall Sports pictures @ 3:30
9/1 Friday - HSVB vs Hulett (home) @ 4/5
JHFB vs H.E.M. (home) 11:00
HSFB vs H.E.M. (home) 1:00
9/2 Saturday - HSVB vs Southeast (home) 1/2
Please see the web page for updated game schedules in Parent Resources, we had some time changes for football.
Have a great week.
Good morning Kaycee Families. Our Back to School Night will be Monday Aug 21st starting at 4:30pm going to 6:00pm. Come in and meet and greet the teachers, bring in your school supplies if you have them. Middle School and High School will have schedules on their lockers. We will be offering online registration this year to get all of your student information updated. If you don't have a parent portal set up in PowerSchool, we will help you get that set up. The Chromebook user agreement and insurance paperwork will be there for your student as well so they can get their Chromebook's the first day of school. Insurance this year is $30.00. If you have any questions please call the office 738-2323.
2023-2024 Meal Prices