JCSD #1 is currently hiring a Food Service II/Transport person. This position is a full-time position with approximately 7-8 hours per day, Monday - Friday. This position does consist of heavy lifting and being outdoors throughout each day. If interested please apply online under the current job openings button or call Ricci Sanders for more details 307-217-7027.
over 1 year ago, Ricci Sanders
Position Available
JCSD#1 is hiring a head cook for the Buffalo schools. This position is a full-time position, Monday-Friday from approximately 5:30am - 1:30pm and is located at Meadowlark Elementary. If interested please apply online under the current job openings button or call Ricci Sanders for more details 307-217-7027.
over 1 year ago, Ricci Sanders
Position Available
Kinder Boost: Kinder Boost will be for ages 4 & 5 years. It will run next school year. Please contact the school @ 738-2323 if you are interested in having your child attend. Closer to school date the Kinder Boost coordinators will be in touch with you with all the details.
over 1 year ago, Candi Long
Just a quick reminder we will be out of school @ 1:00 tomorrow!! Below is the link for the schedule for tomorrow: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cXJfDYzEr5un67hxNWW4_x-HGsxhMOyU_IIErCS5Ag0/edit?usp=share_link
over 1 year ago, Candi Long
If you haven’t had a chance to download the new LINQ Connect App, today is the day. The Titan Family Portal is now LINQ Connect and all of your information has already been transferred over for you. Simply log in using your existing username and password. All your student, payment information, recurring payments, notifications and anything else you’ve previously set up will remain. If you use a browser to access your accounts, no problem. Visit LINQConnect.com and log in.
over 1 year ago, Ricci Sanders
Reminder: Please make sure all Chrome books and charging cords are brought back to school by Wednesday morning. Also the HS Awards Program will be tomorrow, Tues, May 23 @ 6pm.
over 1 year ago, Candi Long
Next week will be a very busy week at Kaycee Schools. So just a heads up on a few items: HS Awards will be Tuesday night @ 6:00, Seniors last day will be Wednesday with Baccalaureate being at 6:00 at the First Southern Baptist Church. Thursday is the LAST Day of School , it is also an Early Release @ 1:00 with Family Barbeque at 11:30.
over 1 year ago, Candi Long
Good afternoon. The KCES activity times for tomorrow, Wed 5-17-23, have changed. The track & field fun will now start @ 8:30am and will go to 11:30am. The bar-b-que lunch will start at 11:30am. The EMS tour of the rescue squad building will follow the bar-b-que. Any questions please call the school at 738-2323
over 1 year ago, Val Streeter
Regional Track results are in - Kaycee did Amazing!!!! All the girls made it to state in one or more events! Karcee was regional champ in the 200, 400, 100 Hurdles, and 300 Hurdles and was named the female athlete of the year. Laci was the regional champion in the high jump, runner up in the long jump, and 4th in the 800 Denise was 3rd in the pole vault Maialen was 7th in the 2 mile 9 of the 10 boys made it to state in one or more events! Eliot was regional champion in the 800, mile, and 2 mile Vaun was regional champ in the 110 Hurdles, 300 Hurdles, and Runner up in the High Jump Damien was regional champion in the long jump! Charlie was runner up in the 400, and placed 5th in the 200 Wyatt placed 5th in the discus and 7th in the shot Coy Placed 7th in the discus Cade placed 8th in the discus Franklin placed 5th in the pole vault and 6th in the 2 mile. Taylor will pole vault at state. The Medley Relay Team of Vaun, Damien, Charlie, and Eliot were regional champions! The 4 x 100 team of Taylor, Damien, Wyatt, and Charlie placed 3rd! Congratulations to all and Good Luck this weekend at State!!
over 1 year ago, Candi Long
Good Morning!! Here is our agenda for the week. It sure is a busy time of the year. Monday: MS Fort Kearney Field Trip Tuesday: 3rd Grade Ag. Day, FFA Banquet (6:30pm HJP) Wednesday: Elementary Track and Field Day, Arts & Humanities Bar-B-Que @ 11:30 Coffee Shop (7pm) in Commons Thursday : K-2 Field Trip to Casper, HS State Track Friday : Last Focus Friday, HS State Track, Elementary Swimming ( Last One!!) Saturday: HS State Track
over 1 year ago, Candi Long
Last week the 3,4,5 & 6 graders made a trip to see Devils tower and the Vore Buffalo Jump.
over 1 year ago, Candi Long
Mrs Pavey
Pictures from College and Career Day for the 7-11 graders trip to UW and WyoTech
over 1 year ago, Candi Long
Front of UW
WYo Tech
Lecture Hall
Nice car
girls in front of UW
A BIG thank you needs to go out to the PTO and Parents who surprised our staff with an amazing luncheon. Thank you for supporting our teachers and staff.
over 1 year ago, Jake Evans
JCSD#1 Technology department is accepting applications for a computer technician.
over 1 year ago, Admin
JCSD#1 Technology is Hiring!
Activities and Events for this week. Monday: 3rd & 4th Graders to the Rendezvous @ HJP, 7-11 grades to Laramie for College and Career Days, Board Mtg 6:00 in Buffalo Tuesday: 7-11 grades in Laramie, MS Best of the Best Track - Douglas Wednesday: Costume Field Trip for HS Drama, HS Football Mtg @ 5:15pm Thursday: MS Athletic & Scholastic Awards 6:00 pm Friday: HS Track to Regionals -Torrington, Elem Swimming Saturday: HS Track Regionals-Torrington
over 1 year ago, Candi Long
Please see the following letter from Coach Largent regarding a Football meeting on May 10th and information on a Football camp. https://drive.google.com/file/d/11a60Imo4SnuSOrxNldLhOqXELeLMjYNe/view?usp=share_link
over 1 year ago, Candi Long
FT Letter
Current Job Opportunities for Kaycee Schools: We have a couple of positions available for next school year. The positions are Food Service Head Cook and Title 1 Paraprofessional. If you are interested please go to the ling below, Current Job Opportunities to view the position and then to Start an Application for employment to fill out an application. https://www.jcsd1.us/o/jcsd1/page/current-job-opportunities
over 1 year ago, Candi Long
Quick reminder that Permission Slips need turned in ASAP for the students, 7-11 grade, that will be participating in the college and career field trip on Monday, May 8, and Tuesday, May 9, in Laramie. Students will leave on the morning of May 8, at 8:00am and tour WyoTech and all of their programs/course work and enjoy an evening at the planetarium. On May 9, students will tour the UW campus and learn about course offerings/degree tracks as well as tour the Drill Sim Lab, Innovation Wyrkshop, and the Geology Museum. Students will also participate in a presentation discussing when a university is a good option and a community college is a good option. Students will arrive in Kaycee that evening at approximately 7:30pm. A message will be sent out to parents as the bus leaves Casper on the way home. Students will need to pack the following: $ money snacks (if snacks are desired) Comfortable walking shoes Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, etc.) Pajamas A change of clothes (be prepared for chilly spring weather) Swimsuit (if your student chooses to swim) Permissions slips were given to your student today. Please sign them and turn them into the office no later than Thursday, May 4. We look forward to sharing this learning experience with your student. --
over 1 year ago, Candi Long
May's letter from Mr. Evans, the Breakfast/Lunch menu and the Activities Calendar
over 1 year ago, Candi Long
Breakfast Menu
L Menu
pg 2
Help us celebrate School Lunch Hero Day, May 5th! Be sure to thank your lunch ladies!
over 1 year ago, Ricci Sanders
Lunch Hero