On Thursday, April 27th, these fine guitar students traveled to Sheridan for the Northeast District Music Festival where they received a SUPERIOR rating Congratulations to Cheyenne, Alaina, Damien, and Malena!
Menu Changes
Food Service Position Available
Happening this week at the school:
We are WYTOPP testing for 6th -10th graders Mon thru Thurs. Tuesday will also be ACT testing for 11th graders, Seniors will get Tuesday off of school.
Thursday is a busy day with the NE Music in Sheridan for band, Plus Special Olympics in Sheridan, The Junior High will hold a dance @ 6-8pm and the 5th graders will travel to Buffalo for the WyoTowne Inter.
Friday will be HS Track meet in Wright and the 2nd day of Elem swimming. Saturday the JH Track will travel to Wright,
Saturday night is PROM night.
Good evening Kaycee Families,
This week is testing week for 6-11th grade students. We will be testing each day in the morning. Tuesday is the ACT for our Juniors. It is a very strenuous test which will last for more than 4 hours. Juniors will be released from school on Tuesday once they have completed the ACT. Seniors will be excused from school on Tuesday all day. Please encourage your children to get some good rest and bring their A-game. Let's rock the test!
It's Swim time!!! The first swim day will be tomorrow ( April 21, 2023). The buses will run in the morning at normal time. The Swimming bus will leave the school not later than 8:00 am. The K-2 grade students will have their swim time at 9:00 - 9:45 then the 3-5 will swim at 9:45-10:30. The Swim bus should arrive back in Kaycee @ 11:30. The normal bus routes will leave the school at 12:00. Molly Brock will be with the students if you need to pick them up early or have a questions please contact her.
JH Track Meet in Sundance has been CANCELLED for tomorrow.
Good Morning! Here is the happenings at the School this week.
Monday: Black Hills Bentonite Jr Sr Lunch 11:30
Tuesday: WYTOPP Testing Elementary
FFA Leaves for State Convention After School
Wednesday: WYTOPP Testing Elementary
State Art Symposium Leaves 9:45
State FFA Convention
Thursday: WYTOPP Testing Elementary
State Art Symposium
State FFA Convention
Friday: Kaycee Invite for Track
1st Elementary Swimming day
Saturday: HS Track-Sheridan
JH Track - Tongue River
Wy Drone Flight School - Gillette
Have a great week!!
Art Intensive was held yesterday at Sheridan College with 19 students attending from Kaycee. Students participated in several art projects using different types medium.
Sheridan Demo Days. Students attended the Sheridan Demo Days at Sheridan College. While there they attended a few demo's in welding, construction, machinery, Diesel Tech and Hydraulics . Afterwards they was able to tour the campus.
Free Child Development Screenings for children from Birth through 5 years. April 14th at the Kaycee school from 8:30 to 12:30pm. Areas screened include vision, hearing, communication, cognition, and motor skills. Please call 307-672-6610 to reservice your spot.
Baccalaureate Services for the Class of 2023 will be held May 24, 2023 @ 6:00 pm. Services will be held at the First Southern Baptist Chapel in Kaycee. There will be a barbeque following at the HJP grill area. Please bring a side to share . RSVP for the barbeque at nmaxwell@jcsd1.us.
We have a few things going on this week here at the Kaycee Schools.
Monday, April 10th - School Board Mtg @ 6:00 - Kaycee Commons,
Tuesday, April 11th - FFA Work Auction 6:30pm (Pancake Supper)
Thursday, April 13th-Sheridan College Demo Days (8-4pm) - Sheridan Art Intensive Day,(8-1:30pm)
Friday, April 14th - Focus Friday, Kindergarten Roundup, Arts and Humanities to Black Hills and Track Team will be in Upton
Good Morning, The School Board meeting will be here in Kaycee tonight @ 6:00 in the Commons.
Last Saturday, April 1st, Kaycee had 9 students participate in the Science Olympiad at Casper College. Kaycee students went up against 2A,3A and 4A schools with Kaycee being the only 1A school . The students competed in a number different categories, from Rocks and Minerals to Drone Flying. Our students came home with the following awards: Denise and Casey took 3rd in Bridges; Adan and Thomas took 2nd in flight; Damien got 1st in Rocks and Minerals and Charlie got 1st in Drone flying.
Congratulations !!!
Mrs. Maxwell's ELA classes were able to Zoom meet with Holocaust survivor Henry Weil. He talked about his childhood in Vienna and his family's difficult passage to the United States. Our students and teachers got to ask questions of Henry and learn firsthand about the struggles of Holocaust survivors.
Good Afternoon,
This is a weather update for Monday April 3rd. We will have a shorten virtual day tomorrow Tuesday April 4th. Classes will begin at 8am virtually. Attached is our schedule for 6-12 classes. Stay tuned for further updates.
Thank you.
Happy April!! Please find attached the April letter from Mr. Evans, The Activities calendar and Breakfast/Lunch menus
Good morning Kaycee Families,
This is a weather update for Monday April 3rd. We are anticipating a strong winter storm to impact our area starting this afternoon and continuing on through Tuesday Evening. We are preparing for a shorten virtual day for Tuesday April 4th. The schedule for our virtual day is attached and also on our website. We will be making the decision to have virtual day later on this afternoon. Stay tuned for further updates.
Good afternoon. We have a team in the final round of The Battle of the Books. Here is the link if you would like to watch. https://youtube.com/live/0p5ASUEXDHc?feature=share